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Renewables infrastructure ingredients face shortfall

Supply of core components for renewable energy projects could become a major obstacle to the global energy transition and the availability of green fuels for shipping, according to recent analyses.

23 October 2023 News

Uncertainty for North Sea energy island construction

Denmark’s planned creation of an artificial island around 100 km off its coast, which will be surrounded by 10 offshore wind farms, has hit a stumbling block after forecast construction costs significantly exceeded the Danish Government political threshold for profitability.

15 September 2023 News

Friend-shoring supports ocean volumes

Demand for shipping is benefiting from a global trend in international relations where nations increase trade with allies, a shift known as friend-shoring.

15 September 2023 News

Barbados blue bond to support marine conservation

The government of Barbados is preparing to pour an extra US$50 million into ocean conservation efforts over the next fifteen years after replacing conventional debt with a Blue Bond.

28 June 2023 News